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1. Family and Friends
The Sense of Belonging
2. Understand Your Purpose and your Priority
- Be a good leader or at least show that you care in your #1 hobby.
I want to leave behind what I have learned and what has shaped me throughout my life. I want a one stop shop to understand who really Austin was and not me trolling people on my social media profiles. My best quality is humbling myself, laughing at my long hair and being called "Mam", Be proud of my weirdness, and smartness. This is me and my family and friends who I belong to. ​
3. Wifey
- Be someone appealing, be exciting, understand your significant other, and commit.
Commitment was always my hardest trait to overcome because of a lot of preconditioning starting with my parents. Understanding this made me want to commit something better for my family.
Observe good role models and replicate who you want to become.
Understand terrible role models and be aware when you are shifting that way.
I catch myself right away when I am someone I use to be or following a terrible role models footsteps.​
This will be hard to practice in your own life because you aren't just observing, you are also dealing with emotions all around you. I even struggle with this on the daily and so do my "Good role Models".
Just like business, know that failure will highlight the flaws that need to change.
Humble yourself to accept change.
​Be someone who you want to be with and be exciting.​
- Understand the why and know that you can't love without hate, challenge me on that.
- The Whole truth is understanding both relative truths. Genuinely listen.
4. Children
- I hate saying this because I hate hearing it, but truly I feel like the meaning of life is having kids and shaping your knowledge and genes to them. Don't take this gift for granted and Know that you are not the bigger picture anymore
I love my daughter and has truly made me feel all sorts of emotions and I love it.
The Manliest role models for me are the ones that are good dads. This takes skill just like building a lifestyle around working out everyday.
Being so depended on is yes very exhausting, but the most rewarding thing once you hear "I love you daddy".
Enough with the gushy shit though, having children truly makes you want to do more and be a good example.
- Light a fire under your ass to be different.
- Know that you are loved by someone and sometimes that someone isn't born yet or you haven't found that person yet that you want to be someone too.
- Trust me on this, I'm not telling you to not be happy in the moment and love who you are, I'm just implying that be a good example to everyone and be loud.
​5. Friends
- Surround yourself with successful people, trustworthy people, and interesting people.
Friends are the people who make you sane when life gets hard and are the people you can reach out to when change gets hard.
There is a saying that says to hang out with 1/3 of the people who you look up to and almost intimidate you to be better because they are amazing role models that support you.
Another 1/3 of people you hang out with should be people who support you, but are also on the same level as you so you can build really amazing stories together while you grow at the same speed.
The last 1/3 of people you hang out with should be people who support you, but also look up to you as a mentor in some sense and someone that looks up to you for guidance.
Once you find all three, you will feel complete and damn did I not understand this until I was older and a lot more wise that you shouldn't be friends with anybody that doesn't support you.
Remember that support doesn't mean agreeing with you on everything, but more that believes you, but challenges you everyday with guidance and encouragement.
- Do things unconditionally and don't look for things in return.
- Don't look for friends, the earth will bring them to you.
- Be patient and know that a friend doesn't have to be the one that you are always around.

1. Fitness
Glowing Confidence
2. The More results, the more Confidence you will grow.
- I have gone through about 9 years of trial and error
While going through your fitness journey, you will find yourself always "plateauing". This is either physically or mentally and working over these obstacles will shape your success (or lack there of). I have learned that in the beginning it is nice to be able to go with someone that knows what they are doing. To guide your form and work habits. Learning stretching and workout technique while at the gym is important for longevity in your workout career. ​
3. Cardio
- Cardio is important to your health no matter what any meat head tells you.
I truly don't like cardio, but I like finding new ways of doing it that satisfy my end goal...overall health.
Biking is a fun way to get around town and also will work on your cardio.​ Hiking and Swimming are also fan favorites. Don't just have to run.
Playing a group sport will help you with endurance as well. I personally play hockey to satisfy this as well. You can play ping pong or also walk 18 holes and tell me you don't feel like you ran twelve miles.
- Understand heart health is important and listening to your body is important.
- Endurance and stamina are two key points to knowing if someone is at least practicing their health routine, so get on it.
4. Power Lifting
- Power Lifting is a guarantee for me every week. I go at least 3 times a week and if I have time I will go 5 times.
Working on lifting more weight, working on endurance, flexibility, and balance, or just going to let out some steam all are reasons why it is so important to me and my health
I have noticed as well, from always tearing my muscle fibers and rebuilding them through exercise, I will heal a lot faster than normal. My body is use to rebuilding every week...
Benching, Deadlifting, and Squatting are not just helpful with gaining bigger muscles, but will also strengthen all supplemental muscles as well, while performing these lifts.
Keep your workouts simple and sometimes throw in those crazy workouts you see on youtube. Sometimes your body gets so use to workouts that you will not improve unless you either do more weight or change the angle/ lift.
- Chest, Back, and Legs are the main three muscles in your body. Some would argue you that so are your arms...
- Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders, Abs, and Calves all get worked out when working out your main muscles. For example, when you work out Chest you are most likely also using your triceps, core, and shoulders.
​5. Diets
- Diets can be stressful, so just pick one and validate if it works or not for your body type and personality.
Being Mentally committed to the diet is step number one.
There are so many diets out there that you could probably find one that works for you. Following Macro Nutrients and avoiding foods are usually a good start.
Be able to diet and make it part of your life permanently with the occasional cheat meals and beverages.
By now you probably know what not to eat and what to eat, so just follow your gut... literally, and if you slip than just be aware of it and fix it.
- There are diets for specific types that have genetic disorders that also work for preventative interests as well. If you start while you are athletic and healthy, you shouldn't have much worry of any shockers throughout life.
1. Golfing
2. What do I mean by Honesty?
- One of my Mentors growing up was a very successful salesmen that was a huge golfer. He brings all business partners and clients golfing... this is why.
He Doesn't do business with people that cheat in golf. Yes, he says that you can tell a lot about someone playing golf and how they keep score regardless if they suck or are competitive. If someone keeps "finding their ball" in the black hole of fescue, more or less they are just dropping a ball and calling it their original, he found these businessmen seem to skim a lot off the books. When he played with someone that would suck terrible on a hole, but tell them they got a par... these businessmen would just be terrible partner and even worse nightmare client. The ones that keep their exact score and can still have fun are his best business partners and clients.
Far fetched, but he said he put it to the test multiple times and almost has proven himself 95% of the time. Ever since I went golfing with him, I started counting EVERY single stroke.
3. Learn What you Suck at First when Golfing
- Usually people suck at the short game, but learn why on youtube and fix it.
Just understanding why you are slicing is huge with understanding how to fix it. For me it was as simple as watching a video online about how to hook the ball. I started hitting my drives dead center... and FAR.
Just learn what and how you can fix something. Best way to figure this out is to hire someone of course, but like me just Youtube it and try it out on the driving range.
4. Longball Tips that Worked for Me
- The Longball is where I WOW the crowd with piping around 340 yards on average.
This was due of course by swinging shit really hard my entire life, but what made this consistent was with two fixes:
1. Made my Swing very long during my backswing.
2. Changed my Swing Path to instead of an Out- In swing, I started swinging In- Out leaving my club face Closed to fix my slice/ baseball swing.
​5. Shortball Tips that Worked for Me
- Work on better Impact with your Grip first, Stance second, and Tempo third.
PS. Remember to Look good Feel Good to win just in the beginning of your round.
Moving wrists forward with Irons helped me a lot through impact.
Working on my V-Grip helped me understand where my ball was going to end up.
Figuring out distance for each shot and club was huge.
Putting and Chipping are of course made better through practice, but check out the booklet I have above to help you out.

1. Shooting
2. Shooting things is Serious because they can kill DUH
- Being the person that I am, I like to know how to at least walk up to something and know how to use it...just in case.
If I'm going to shoot, might as well be good at it. The definition of Self-Discipline is: the ability to control one's feelings and overcome one's weaknesses; the ability to pursue what one thinks is right despite temptations to abandon it.
Knowing that I have Self control and discipline, I can and will have a gun and bow. Do I think everyone should be shooting something? Hell Naw, but being our right
Learning how to be responsible around others is key to owning guns...which is why I display my guns with absolutely NO magazine loaded inside. Knowledge of gun safety is huge and knowing how to operate and check if a gun is loaded or how to turn on and off the safety is an absolute must.
3. Learning if you are Right Eye Dominant or Left Eye Dominant
- This is the first thing you need to figure out.
How to figure this out: Aim at a target with your finger with both eyes open. When closing one eye, the eye that moves your finger in site is your NOT dominant eye.
I didn't find this out until I was 25 that I was left eye dominant. I just thought I sucked.
- My best shot is with my Compound bow and also WAY cheaper to shoot than a rifle. Re-usable Arrows is amazing when target practicing and of course way quitter.
4. Hunting Requirements
- Learning your state Hunting requirements is a process so go online to figure out your state regulations.
Hunting is something I really want to start doing, but one thing is you need to get a hunters safety license and tags. This all takes time and initial money.
​5. Concealing
- Know what concealing regulations there are in place in your state.
Knowing how to carry your guns is a must and should be performed professionally and without breaking the law.
Check out your state laws on what is legal and not legal.
Get your concealed weapons permit.
1. Hockey
Letting out my anger
2. Hockey is for the MEN
- Watch Playoff hockey and Say you can hang
The stanley cup celebrations speak for themselves. So much passion for the game and the players work their asses off. I have watched so many games where the player gets hit in the face and come back for the next period or hell even their next shift. Most of the time, when players fight they tell each other good job without the pettiness or drama. They get it done and every player does it.
3. The Rules
- People lose interest in the sport because you have to be able to pay attention. I say it's the sport for people who can make decisions quickly and react.
Also, the rules can be a little tricky to understand and penalties happen so quickly.
Check out this article that explains the basics. Click Here
4. Offense
- Today the game is getting more fast and offensive.
This is said to be true because of more penalties called and trying to make the game less injury prone.
Players are getting more skilled and enforcers are not getting drafted as much anymore.
​5. Defense
- Everyone should be playing defense in hockey and back checking
Defense is a hidden golden rule in hockey that needs to be SOLID. With more shots on goal and the ability to crash the net more with crap defense, the more opportunity there is to score.​
Playing the body is a huge part of the game.

1. piano/ music
2. Music is so Addicting because so it Meditating
- Every mentor says that meditating and having a peaceful mind is key to their success. Music has been used as a form of altering emotions forever, typically for making people more happy.
Learning music is much easier these days with the internet.
Have you ever youtubed a how to play this song on whatever instrument you want to learn it on? It is out there.
You just have to start and of course invest some money in the instrument, but these days those are as well getting more affordable to purchase.
3. Piano is Magical
- I'd recommend playing piano first and branch to other instruments second.
Because what I have noticed when teaching my friends piano is that if they play guitar already or bass, piano is not easy to transition to because it is awkwardly backwards, as far as rhythm hand goes.
Teaching drummer friends on the other hand are amazing piano players.
When you can play Fur Elise or Moonlight Sonata, tell me that you don't feel so peaceful... I'm waiting.
4. Pianos are Everywhere
- Once you get good at piano or at least learn like three songs really well, you will run into a piano going out with your friends and you will "aw" the crowd so easily.
Yes you can show off.
This is what all musicians do on stage, so continue to play in front of people. It gets a lot more strange when you mess up, and you will.
Learning how to recover after messing up will only come with practice... playing in front of people. So do it.
​5. Knowing what style you want to try is key
- There are keyboards that are meant to play just pre set sounds on stage.
- There are pianos that are meant to be played more full and classically. Weighted keys are amazing, but can restrict from playing faster songs.

1. Baseball
leadership role
2. Baseball is based around mental focus, planning, and swag.
- Just like business and leadership roles you need the same
I was a catcher and had to bark orders to the infielders like a quarterback. I saw the entire field at the only perspective as the batter so it is meant for more of a leadership role to handle the position. Also, your calling the pitches and not trying to get tipped off by the opposing team to figure out what you were throwing.
Mentally you had to feel so confident that your muscle memory could take over at hitting a 90 MPH fastball or react quick enough when the pitcher throws a curveball that breaks towards your ankles.
Planning was important as far as knowing where you would go if you got the ball. Understanding what is happening at every point of the game was crucial for good baseball teams to succeed. Even knowing how many outs was important.
Swag is feeling important and confident that you are equipped with all the skills you need to win. Sometimes this is called cockiness. You need this as a leader in the business world as well to be monetarily successful.
3. Rules
- Being that baseball is a game of patience, it is a little easier to follow.
Balls and Strikes. 4 balls is a walk and the batter can get a free base. 3 strikes is an out, which you get 3 outs before you have to switch offense and defense.
Foul line was created to keep the ball in a reasonable playing proximity for both teams for the batter to keep it in.
Here's a summary of baseball rules Click Here
4. Offense- I hate saying this because I hate hearing it, but truly I feel like the m
-The batter and the only time you can score.
Batting is the hardest time in baseball, but debatably the most fun part.
This is when you are on stage and you can either be a hero and get a hit, or be a gigantic loser and get out.
If you strike out not swinging, you are an idiot.
If you strike out swinging, it's understandable.
If you hit a homerun, you are a Badass!
​5. Defense
- The 9 players on the field.
Left field is where the stud with a cannon plays because it is where the most right handed hitters hit the ball and usually the fence is further to left field, so means more long tosses.
Center fielder is the "quickest" outfielder usually is. He has the most room to cover in the outfield.
Right field is usually where one of your best hitters plays.
Third base is usually a little slower, but has a cannon and good glove.
Short stop is the stud that can do it all usually.
Second base is usually the most okayest player usually plays.
First base is where you play when your arm isn't so good, but you can dig a ball out of the dirt and can hit.
Pitchers are rotated almost every single game and usually are Starters, Relief, or Closers.
Catchers are the manliest person on the field ;) who Block the dirt balls going 90 mph at times, call the pitches, throw people out trying to steal, control the game basically.
1. ping pong
2. Has so much Opportunity and is not Respected enough
- You can lose a game if you lose 3 points very quickly. So you have to learn how to finely tune all your skills at ping pong and become more consistent.
Practice makes you better, and remember to have fun while playing.
3. Serves
- Has to be thrown up in the air first and served.
Usually gives that player an advantage by being able to control how much spin and speed is on the ball in the beginning. Learn a good controlled spin to be better at ping pong.
4. Backhand
- Usually used for a good backspin and defensive shot.
Some of the best players in the game have the best backhand shots.
​5. Forehand
- Usually used for good topspin and offensive slam.
Forehand is where you truly impress the spectators. I like to compare my forehand shot my "drive" in golf. People are impressed and enjoy when I land a perfectly placed SMASH.
If you want to play like Forrest Gump, you have to practice like Forrest Gump. Consistency comes with practice, Skill comes with competition.
Ping Pong

1. Motorcycles
2. Riding a Motorcycle is not for people who can't follow directions well.
- One small mistake while riding can be lethal
Be prepared for the worst just in case, but always pay attention. I think of riding a motorcycle is more like playing chess, predict every car's potential next move so you can become aware if it happens.
3. Make sure your Bike is tuned and well maintained
- Prevent accidents by making sure things run properly.
Check your tires frequently.
Check all your lights.
Make sure you have equipment to keep you safe like helmet and jacket.
Be prepared for rain, as rain can be hard to drive through.
Brakes: make sure brakes are in good shape.
4. Know what your getting yourself into
- In motorcycle class they say, if you are starting to feel comfortable on a bike, you'll become less responsible.
Crotch rockets: Live up to their name. Rockets that are in between your legs. Sometimes way to fast and will indeed get you noticed.
Cruisers: Laid back, loud, and meant to cruise.
Upright: Kinda a mixture between both.
​5. Gear and Beginning
- Here is a good article on what to get Click Here
Remember that you usually have to take a class to certify you to ride motorcycles.
1. art
2. I believe everyone needs to understand and appreciate art
- Don't judge art before you even understand it. Be more creative in life
If your trying to be a business owner, you will need to see and appreciate creativeness so that you can build more of a comfortable atmosphere for clients, customers, and staff.
3. Creating
- Making art and creating art is important.
Meditational and the satisfaction of completing something is important when you become more stressed.
4. Practice
- Go to art galleries and just try to copy other art, landscape, or try your own​
Getting comfortable with art comes with dedication to complete, passion, patience, and doing it for you. Art is for yourself and don't try to get greedy.
​5. Conversation Piece
- If you make a piece yourself, people will talk about it regardless if it is good or not.
Professional settings. Meaning with art and some graffiti can be very impactful in society and your own beliefs of expression.
1. bowling
2. There is no thing as doubles in bowling, because you can't bowl two people at one time
- You have to be good for yourself and do well under pressure.
Of course there are teams that bowl together and it is another sport you can play while drinking a beer. Being consistent is huge and you have to understand what your style is if you want to become competitive in bowling.
3. Confidence
- When you feel comfortable with throwing strikes and knowing that if you miss you can pick up most spares, will make you a good bowler.
If you have one bad frame, you can mess up your entire game.
4. Strikes
- Important to score high because it multiplies your score every time you get a strike.
Know where you have to hit the head pin to make the pins have a chain reaction.
​5. Spares
- Sometimes spares has to be more finesse and muscle memory.
Splits are hard and almost impossible to pick up, so remember if you hit the pocket on your first ball, you will typically avoid a split.

1. Restaurants
Managing Food, beverage, and procedures
2. There is no thing as doubles in bowling, because you can't bowl two people at one time
- You have to be good for yourself and do well under pressure.
Of course there are teams that bowl together and it is another sport you can play while drinking a beer. Being consistent is huge and you have to understand what your style is if you want to become competitive in bowling.
3. Confidence
- When you feel comfortable with throwing strikes and knowing that if you miss you can pick up most spares, will make you a good bowler.
If you have one bad frame, you can mess up your entire game.
4. Strikes
- Important to score high because it multiplies your score every time you get a strike.
Know where you have to hit the head pin to make the pins have a chain reaction.
​5. Spares
- Sometimes spares has to be more finesse and muscle memory.
Splits are hard and almost impossible to pick up, so remember if you hit the pocket on your first ball, you will typically avoid a split.
Marketing - restaurants, lead gen. e-commerce, automotive, etc.
2. There is no thing as doubles in bowling, because you can't bowl two people at one time
- You have to be good for yourself and do well under pressure.
Of course there are teams that bowl together and it is another sport you can play while drinking a beer. Being consistent is huge and you have to understand what your style is if you want to become competitive in bowling.
3. Confidence
- When you feel comfortable with throwing strikes and knowing that if you miss you can pick up most spares, will make you a good bowler.
If you have one bad frame, you can mess up your entire game.
4. Strikes
- Important to score high because it multiplies your score every time you get a strike.
Know where you have to hit the head pin to make the pins have a chain reaction.
​5. Spares
- Sometimes spares has to be more finesse and muscle memory.
Splits are hard and almost impossible to pick up, so remember if you hit the pocket on your first ball, you will typically avoid a split.
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