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Are you wanting to be a better Athlete?


Are you Bigger and Want to get Thinner?

Are you Thinner and Want to get Bigger?











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Go To Diets


"The Wheel you Don't Re-Create"

The Basics




  • ACTIVE STRETCHES: Get Blood flowing.

To prevent injury you want to make sure that you are as loose as possible. A light jog never hurts before a workout as well. 

  • I usually just swing my body parts I'm about to workout or perform a couple body weight workouts. 


  • HOLDING STRETCHES: Get stretched.

  • Hold Each Stretch for 15-30 seconds

Static Stretches might not sound like a workout in itself, however it is for your muscles. It can fatigue your muscles before you start your workout... why we do them afterwards.



  • FLAT: Bench Press Pyramid 8x6x4x2

  • INCLINE: Bench Press Pyramid 8x6x4x2


  • LAT PULL DOWN: Pull 8x6x4x2

  • ROWS: Pull 8x6x4x2


  • SQUATS: Pyramid 8x6x4x2

  • DEADLIFT: Pyramid 8x6x4x2



  • CURLS: Pyramid 10x8x6x4


  • EXTENSIONS: Pyramid 10x8x6x4


  • OVERHEAD PRESS: Pyramid 8x6x4x2



When Performing all of the Above, A full workout can be executed with different Variations of Each.





MESOMORPH = Naturally Jacked


**Bigger to Thinner**

Getting the "Beach Bod"

I personally am an Endomorph and what that means is it's easier for me to get fatter than get skinnier.


What I have to do is mainly stay consistent with not eating too much junk, not drinking (beer), and never slack in the gym. This works...

However, I know you didn't purchase this to just hear that. You want the specifics and the blood, sweat, and tears I learned from.

**Thinner to Bigger**

Getting the Strength, Seeing Results

For my friends who are Ectomorphs this is what works best to build muscle... If you want to look like Arnold, you won't. (Ha)


However, to get closer to resemble his physique you need to be persistent, consistent, effective & motivated to see the results you are looking for.

Body Type
Big - Thin
Thin - Big


Your family body types are similar to yours

- Both good and bad, keep this in mind when being honest to yourself.

For example: My family has the gut and clearly endomorphs that don't workout. You can't force people to workout and I found this out early on. The more unbalanced someone is, the more they don't give a damn about fitness. If they don't love themselves, they won't love giving it 100% at the gym.

Here is some awesome motivation

To see results in anything that deals with balance, you have to be motivated to be persistent daily. We are pre conditioned through our ancestors and hard wired to want to be healthy and strong, we are also attracted to these people subconsciously...


People who give a damn about themselves are people that we want to be around. 


Most everyone can control their personal results (some obvious health disorders can prevent your results), but you always need to start with mentally focusing and having a plan for success.


Before I start rambling too much, results will come through action with diets and working out. Don't overthink these two however, just always do what you feel your limit is and always focus on being better than you were yesterday.


We will never be perfect and it sounds insane for people to look for it. This is something that is an opinion and you can't control. The goal for everything within these guidelines are to help you be in control and live in the present moment, smell the roses, and appreciate.    

Genes & Motivation


A.K.A. Chesticles

A.K.A. The Monday Workout 


- The best thing I can advise anyone to do first on chest day is to go straight to a flat bench or start repping out push ups after performing your dynamic stretches also known as active stretching.


This just means stretching to warm up your joints and muscles like running, not holding positions like static stretches that you do at the end of your workout. Learn More in Basics

I always perform a flat bench because it uses the most muscles while I'm not fully fatigued meaning I can do more weight and get stronger. After this workout I can improvise what I have focused my goals towards. 


If I am cutting for a trip I will simply go into a caloric depletion for my diet, do more cardio, and do more reps to really get a sweat going on. 


(Since I am a little more endomorphy this is typically what I do in the gym always.)


If I am bulking (on purpose) I will simply eat more whole foods with lots of fat, possible start a keto diet cause I love food and can get carried away, and focus on more weight to really feel a pump at the gym.


In reference to Image above, these workouts can be done with either dumbbell for evening out your muscles or barbell for loading the most weight...

- Flat Bench: Best compound workouts and recommend a pyramid rep to set ratio. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 2 rep

- Incline Bench: Best workout for filling in your upper chest. 


- Decline Bench: Best workout for support and "perking up" your chest.

- Narrow Grip Press: Best for inner chest. Be aware you press focusing with your chest, not your triceps.


- Fly Motion: Best for outer chest. This is a movement workout, stretch workout, not much of a strength workout as this can lead to injury.

Burn outs recommended and on an incline bench.

- Dips, Push-ups, and Pull Over Bar: Great for burnouts.



1. Flat Barbell Bench

  10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 2 Rep 90%-100%

2. Incline DB Bench

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 4 Rep 90%

3. Decline Barbell Bench

  10 rep 60%, 8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%

4. Dumbbell Fly

   10 rep 50%, 8 Rep 60%, 8 Rep 70%, 6 Rep 75%

5. Narrow Grip Superset

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85% 

6. Dips & Push Ups w/ Narrow

  8 rep 70%, 6 rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

Wait 30 Seconds in between sets between 5-6

Chest Workout


A.K.A. A lot of Different Muscles

A.K.A. The Workout after Chest on Tuesday


- The best thing I can advise anyone to do first on back day is to go straight to a lat pull down machine or start repping out pull ups after performing your dynamic stretches also known as active stretching of course.


If you didn't read chest day, this just means stretching to warm up your joints and muscles like running, not holding positions like static stretches that you do at the end of your workout. Learn More in Basics​.

I always perform a lat pull down because it uses the most muscles in my back and while I'm not fully fatigued I can do more weight and can get stronger. It also stretches your back out for other heavy loading workouts following.  After this workout I can improvise what I have focused my goals towards.

If I am cutting for a trip I will simply go into a caloric depletion for my diet, do more cardio, and do more reps to really get a sweat going on. 


(Since I am a little more endomorphy this is typically what I do in the gym always.)


If I am bulking (on purpose) I will simply eat more whole foods with lots of fat, possible start a keto diet cause I love food and can get carried away, and focus on more weight to really feel a pump at the gym.


In reference to Image above, these workouts can be done with either dumbbell for evening out your back muscles or barbell for loading the most weight...

- Pull Downs: Best workouts for stretch and recommend a pyramid rep to set ratio. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 2 rep

Variations: Front pull downs down to chest, behind the head pull downs (very light weight), inner grip, wider grip, pronated and supinated grip variations. 

- Rows: Best Compound workout for filling in the mass of your back 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 4 rep 


Variations: Regardless if performed sitting down, standing up with dumbbells or barbells, or T-Bar Rows (My favorite) you will want to do a lot of weight, but being very careful not to strain your back as your back can be more fragile.


- I find when standing up my lower back is worked a little harder than when I am sitting. I have noticed also where I go parallel to hit on my front torso with the barbell will work the same area of my back (Higher, middle, lower).


These following could be done on other days, but some recommend doing on the same day as back...      


- Shrugs & Upright Row: Best workout for your Traps also can be done on shoulder day.

- Dead Lifts: Best for hamstrings and glutes, however while dead lifting you can do a lot of weight if performed correctly, your back will feel the weight, thus workout your back for mass and more focus on squats for leg day.

- Triangle Push Ups and Pull-ups: Great for burnout.


1. Lat Pull Downs Pronated Grip

  10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 2 Rep 90%-100%

2. Seated Rows w/ T-Bar

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 4 Rep 90%

3. Lat Pull Downs Supinated Grip

  10 rep 60%, 8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%

4. Standing Row (T-Bar preferred)

   10 rep 50%, 8 Rep 60%, 8 Rep 70%, 6 Rep 75%

5. Rear Delt Machine Superset

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85% 

6. Pull Ups to Finish each set.

  8 rep 70%, 6 rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

Wait 30 Seconds in between sets between 5-6

- Pronated: Palm facing out, Supinated: Palm facing you

Back Workout


A.K.A. Big Muscles, Quads, Hamstrings, Glutes, Calves

A.K.A. The Workout you want to skip, but don't


- The best thing I can advise anyone to do first on leg day is to go straight to a squat rack or start repping out air squats after performing your dynamic stretches also known as active stretching of course or running/ stairs.


If you didn't read chest day, this just means stretching to warm up your joints and muscles, not holding positions like static stretches that you do at the end of your workout. Learn More in Basics

I always perform squats on leg day because it uses the most muscles in my legs and while I'm not fully fatigued I can do more weight and can get stronger. It also helps warm up your legs and release testosterone for other heavy loading workouts following.  After this workout I can improvise what I have focused my goals towards.

If I am cutting for a trip I will simply go into a caloric depletion for my diet, do more cardio, and do more reps to really get a sweat going on. 


(Since I am a little more endomorphy this is typically what I do in the gym always.)


If I am bulking (on purpose) I will simply eat more whole foods with lots of fat, possible start a keto diet cause I love food and can get carried away, and focus on more weight to really feel a pump at the gym.


In reference to Image above, these workouts can be done with either dumbbell, machines, or barbell for loading the most weight...

- Squats: Best workout for everything leg. Recommend a pyramid rep to set ratio. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 2 rep

Variations: If you have a bad back or sore back, I would recommend a seated press machine or air squats. There is a way to prevent injury when doing heavy weight so make sure you know what that is or ask a personal trainer to watch your form.

- Dead Lift: Another great Compound workout for strength in your hamstring. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 4 rep 


Variations: Dumbbell, barbell, or variation in your grips, posture, and stance. There is a way to prevent injury when doing heavy weight so make sure you know what that is or ask a personal trainer to watch your form.     


- Leg Curls: Best workout for Hamstring isolation.

- Leg Extensions: Best for Quadriceps isolation and a rest pause and controlled is how I do it every time. Be cautious of hurting your knees with over extension.

-Lunges: Great for burnout and actual movement exercise. I love hold dumbbells while performing.

- Abdominal & Calve Exercises: Great for burnout.



1. Squats

  10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 2 Rep 90%-100%

2. Dead Lifts

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 4 Rep 90%

3. Leg Extensions

  10 rep 60%, 8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%

4. Leg Curls   

10 rep 50%, 8 Rep 60%, 8 Rep 70%, 6 Rep 75%

5. Lunges superset

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85% 

6. Abs and Calves superset

  8 rep 70%, 6 rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

Wait 30 Seconds in between sets between 5-6

- Prevent injury by not maxing your weight everytime

Leg Workout
Biceps / Triceps

Biceps & Triceps

A.K.A. The coolest muscles to grow

A.K.A. The Workout you never skip


- The best thing I can advise anyone to do first on bicep and tricep day is to wear your best workout outfit, go straight to a squat rack to curl the most weight after performing your dynamic stretches also known as active stretching of course or running/ stairs.


If you didn't read chest day, this just means stretching to warm up your joints and muscles, not holding positions like static stretches that you do at the end of your workout. Learn More in Basics

I always perform heavy curls as my first set because it is the best way to grow size in your biceps and while I'm not fully fatigued I can do more weight and can get stronger. It also helps warm up my triceps and forearms so I can go heavy or burnout more on workouts following.  After this workout I can improvise what I have focused my goals towards.

If I am cutting for a trip I will simply go into a caloric depletion for my diet, do more cardio, and do more reps to really get a sweat going on. 


(Since I am a little more endomorphy this is typically what I do in the gym always.)


If I am bulking (on purpose) I will simply eat more whole foods with lots of fat, possible start a keto diet cause I love food and can get carried away, and focus on more weight to really feel a pump at the gym.


In reference to Image above for biceps and image below for triceps, these workouts can be done with either dumbbell, machines, or barbell for loading the most weight and controlling the best form...

- Heavy Curls: Best workout for Biceps. Recommend a pyramid rep to set ratio. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 2 rep

Variations: If you need, perform cheat curls with heavy which is a swinging motion to help you finish. I have heard other, but this is what helps me grow my arms as I have noticed, when you body just feels the weight on its muscles, they will try to grow. 

- Hammer Curls: Another great heavy bicep curl motion that helps work bottom of bicep. 8 rep x 8 rep x 6 rep    


- High Pulley Curls: Best workout for top of your bicep. When curling starting at shoulder height or even above and squeeze.

- Concentration Curls: Best overall bicep workout when performed correctly. Sit at a bench, rest elbow on the inside of parallel leg, and squeeze tight.


-Presses: Great for heavy tricep. Preferred on flat bench and narrow grip for more weight.

Variations: Overhead Extensions with dumbbell, Machine press downs pronated and supinated (reverse) push downs with palm facing you. 

- Skullcrushers & Bench dips: Great for burnout.



1. Heavy Curls (Bicep)

  10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 2 Rep 90%-100%

2. Heavy Narrow Press (Tricep)      10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 4 Rep 90%

3. Concentration Curls

  10 rep 60%, 8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%

4. Cable EZ bar Push Downs   

10 rep 50%, 8 Rep 60%, 8 Rep 70%, 6 Rep 75%

5. Cable EZ bar Curls

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85% 

6. Superset High Rep Curls w/ High Rep Bench Dips burnout

  8 rep 70%, 6 rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

7. Forearm burnouts

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

Wait 30 Seconds in between sets between 5-6

Bicep and Tricep Workout


A.K.A. Best for filling in your T-shirts

A.K.A. Hurt the Most


- The best thing I can advise anyone to do first on shoulder day is go straight to military press with a barbell or heavy dumbbell for the most weight after performing your dynamic stretches also known as active stretching of course or running/ stairs.


If you didn't read chest day, this just means stretching to warm up your joints and muscles, not holding positions like static stretches that you do at the end of your workout. Learn More in Basics


I always perform heavy shoulder presses as my first set because it is the best way to grow size in your shoulders and while I'm not fully fatigued I can do more weight and can get stronger. It also helps warm up the rest of my arm so I can go heavy or burnout more on workouts following.  After this workout I can improvise what I have focused my goals towards.

If I am cutting for a trip I will simply go into a caloric depletion for my diet, do more cardio, and do more reps to really get a sweat going on. 


(Since I am a little more endomorphy this is typically what I do in the gym always.)


If I am bulking (on purpose) I will simply eat more whole foods with lots of fat, possible start a keto diet cause I love food and can get carried away, and focus on more weight to really feel a pump at the gym.


In reference to Image above for shoulders, these workouts can be done with either dumbbell, machines, or barbell for loading the most weight and controlling the best form... remember your shoulder is a joint.

- Heavy Military Press: Best workout for Shoulders. Pyramid rep to set ratio. 8 rep x 6 rep x 4 rep x 2 rep

Variations: This can be done sitting down or standing up (Be careful hurting your back while standing). This can also be done with dumbbells, machine, or the barbell which I prefer. 

- Lateral Raises: Great shoulder workout. Hold Light dumbbell to your side and raise. 10 rep x 8 rep x 8 rep    


- Front Raises: Another great workout to fill out your shoulders and prevent future injuries.

- Shrugs: Traps are part of your shoulders, but mainly apart of your back. I like to shrug on shoulder days.

-Upright Rows: Best for deltoid work, trap work, and biceps. I prefer to perform with an EZ bar.

- Decline Pushups & Dips: Great for burnout.


1. Heavy Military Shoulder Press

  10 rep warm up

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 2 Rep 90%-100%

2. Lateral Raises

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 4 Rep 85%, 4 Rep 90%

3. Front Raises

  10 rep 60%, 8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%

4. Rear Deltoid Machine   

10 rep 50%, 8 Rep 60%, 8 Rep 70%, 6 Rep 75%

5. Shrugs

  8 rep 70%, 6 Rep 80%, 6 Rep 85% 

6. Upright Row

  8 rep 70%, 6 rep 80%, 6 Rep 85%

7. Decline Push ups and Dips

  3 Sets of Burnout to Failure

Shoulder Workout

Mass Clean Diets

(2 Phase + Elimination Diet + Keto Diet)


Phase 2 of Clean Bulk


Keto Diet

Mass Diets

Phase 1 of Clean Bulk

Phase 1 Bulk
Phase 2 Bulk
Elimination Diet

Elimination Diet


Shredding Clean Diets

(3 Phase + Intermittent Fast)

Phase 1 of Clean Shred


Phase 2 of Clean Shred


Phase 3 of Clean Shred

Intermittent Fasting

Shredding Clean
Phase 1 Shred
Phase 2 Shred
Phase 3
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