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What Sharpening do you Prefer on Your Hockey Skates? // Hockey

Not going to lie, I am making this post so I can find it every time I get my skates sharpened.

So, I'm not a professional at all, I do play Advanced Mens league however....

I've noticed the 5/8 sharpen is the regular sharpening, but...

- I like 1/2 sharpens to actually feel like I'm actually getting my skates sharpened (without the one time I got 3/8 and kept eating shit catching edges).

1" hockey skate sharpening has less bite and more glide.

3/4" hockey skate sharpening has less bite and more glide, but a little more sharper than 1" sharpening.

1/2" hockey skate sharpening has normal bite and normal glide.

1/2" hockey skate sharpening has more bite and less glide.

3/8" hockey skate sharpening has the most bite and the least amount of glide preferred.

That is all... hope you use this charge to learn fractions to your skate sharpening. The graph is by Wissota or some skate sharpening place. Hit us up if you hate us and want to take this down.

- Austin


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